

The turtlebot3 is a small mobile robot with a 2-D Lidar Sensor. These instructions describe Northwestern's variant of the software, which has been modified for easy deployment on our networks and to allow low-level access to the motors through ROS 2.

However, most of the content of the reference manual still applies.

Powering the Turtlebot

  1. The Turtlebot can be powered from a battery, or directly from the wall charger, which gets plugged into the OpenCR board
    • IMPORTANT Always make sure the battery is unplugged prior to powering from the wall charger
    • IMPORTANT Never have the battery and wall charger powering the robot simultaneously
  2. When the battery voltage drops below a threshold, the turtlebot will issue a low-battery warning sound
    • IMPORTANT When the battery voltage is low, stop using the turtlebot and charge the battery. Otherwise you can permanently damage the battery.
  3. Do not use the PincherX 100 power brick with the turtlebot3!
    • It has the same plug but is rated for significantly less power.
  4. I like to test most of the software with the turtlebot3 powered from the wall and up on a block so that the wheels don't touch the ground.
    • This method increases development speed because charging the batteries or chasing the turtlebot3 around the room both take time.
    • However, the odometry of the stock turtlebot3 depends solely on the IMU, therefore if it is up on blocks and you turn, the odometry will be incorrect.
      • In my opinion this is an odd choice but I have not done experiments comparing its accuracy with wheel odometry
      • If using the nuturtlebot firmware (e.g., those in ME495 Sensing Navigation and Machine Learning for Robotics) then odometry relies on encoders.
  5. sudo access
    • You have sudo access just in case, but nothing you are doing should require it.
    • Please do not use sudo unless explicitly instructed.

Connecting to the TurtleBot

  1. Connect to the NUMSR wifi network
  2. Set your ROS_DOMAIN_ID as assigned so you don't see everybody else's nodes.
  3. ssh -oSendEnv=ROS_DOMAIN_ID msr@turtlebot
  4. You can use ssh-copy-id msr@turtlebot to load your ssh key so you don't need a password.
  5. You should hear the MSR jingle when turning on the turtlebot: if not run opencr_install_firmware

Running Nodes

  1. To run the MSR-specific code, providing low-level access to the turtlebot, run the following command while ssh'd into the turtlebot: ros2 run numsr_turtlebot numsr_turtlebot
  2. The code for this package is at https://github.com/NU-MSR/numsr_turtlebot
  3. It relies on messages in https://github.com/NU-MSR/numsr_msgs

Cross Compilation

  1. Technically you could develop all your code on the Raspberry Pi 3, but doing this would be extremely slow and frustrating.
    • It is easy to run out of RAM during compilation, for example.
  2. Instead we will adopt a workflow whereby all development (including compilation) is performed on your computer and then transferred to the turtlebot3.
  3. Using a compiler on one system to generate code for another system is called cross compilation.
    • In our case we are running on amd64 (sometimes called x64) to =aarch64 (64 bit arm, sometimes referred to as =arm64).
      • These processors have completely different machine language instructions and are incompatible: therefore they require different compilers.
    • Not only must our own code be compiled for aarch64, but also any libraries that our code uses must also be compiled for the target platform.
      • Libraries greatly complicate cross-compilation, as our host systems usually only have libraries for our own architecture and it can be difficult to obtain and link against non-native libraries.
      • Despite some support from Ubuntu, there are inevitable conflicts and problems.

Cross-Compilation Docker Container

  1. I've created a docker container with the necessary libraries and setup for cross compilation.
  2. The container is derived from the container I use to build the custom Raspberry Pi disk image and therefore has all the libraries that are available on the turtlebot
  3. To use, install docker sudo apt install docker.io.
  4. Next, in your ROS workspace, run sudo docker run reem17/rosberrypi-xcompile:iron > aarch64 && chmod 755 aarch64
    • This command downloads the docker image, runs the docker container, and outputs a script (aarch64) that makes future uses easier.

3 In your ROS workspace run ./aarch64 colcon_aarch64 to cross-compile the workspace for aarch64.

  • The build and install spaces are all called aarch64_build and aarch64_install
  • ./aarch64 essentially just calls a command inside the docker container.
  • Use ./aarch64 bash to get a bash prompt and explore the container, for example
  • colcon_aarch64 is a script that runs colcon build but prefixes the build and install spaces with aarch64 and uses the cross-compiler.
  1. If you are curious, all the docker images and code used to generate this environment is available.


  • To run the nodes they must be present on the remote computer
  • Use rsync to copy the install space to the turtlebot: rsync -av --delete aarch64_install/ msr@leonardo:/home/msr/install
    • This command makes turtlebot:/home/msr/install contain the same exact files as yourcomputer:/path/to/ros/ws/arm_install
    • BE CAREFUL! The trailing / and (lack thereof) are both crucial.
  • Cross-compilation only applies to compiled programs (like C++). Python nodes can be run directly on the raspberry pi, for example (as long as you copy the code).

Remote Debugging

Because we are only copying the install space to the raspberry pi and because the raspberry pi is so slow, it makes sense, for debugging, to run the debugger on our host computer. To do this, the following commands work (after installing gdb-multiarch on your host machine)

  1. Mount the raspberry pi's disk image to /mnt/raspberrypi/
    • sudo losetup -Pf turtle_img
    • This will output the name of a loop device loopX
    • sudo mount /dev/loopXp2 /mnt/raspberrypi
    • The /mnt/raspberrypi directory must exist for this to work. You can use any directory that you want
  2. On raspberry pi gdbserver host:2345 <executable>, where <executable> is the name of the file you wish to run
  3. On your pc: gdb-multiarch file set debug-file-directory /mnt/raspberrypi/usr/lib/debug set sysroot=/mnt/raspberrypi target extended-remote turtlebotX:2345 To kill the remote server: monitor exit


Author: Matthew Elwin