ROS Navigation


  • ROS Nav2 enables mobile robots to navigate in 2D
  • Provides the ability to estimate the location of the robot based on feedback from multiple sensors
  • Provides global and local planning capabilities
  • Highly configurable. To see many of the configuration options on running examples use rqt_reconfigure
    • A large amount of time can be spent tuning various parameters for your particular robot
    • Just because a robot vendor provides nav-stack support does not necessarily mean that they have tuned the parameters optimally

Frames of Reference

  • REP 105 defines standard ROS frames for robots, and the navigation stack adheres to this standard
  • Your robot should have a frame called base_link, which is the root of the robot and is at its "chassis" center.
    • All other frames on the robot are relative to this frame
  • The base_footprint link is a "non-physical" link (so no visual/collision/inertia) that is aligned with the base_link but rests directly on the ground
  • The robot's location in the world, based on its wheel odometry, is expressed in the odom frame
  • The robot's location in the world, based on range sensors such as lidar is expressed in the map frame
  • The parent-child relationship between these frames (from parent to child) is map -> odom -> base_link
    • The transform from odom -> base_link is typically subtracted from the estimate of the robot in the map frame. Thus the transform from map -> base_link is always the map estimate.
  • The map frame can sometimes be the child of a world or earth frame

Conceptual Components

  1. Base Controller: Subscribes to a geometry_msgs/Twist (by default on the cmd_vel topic) and makes the robot move.
    • This is a robot-specific node that interfaces with the hardware
  2. Odometry: nav_msgs/Odometry is a published estimate of the position and velocity of the robot, based on the wheel odometry.
    • This message is used to publish the odom tf transform.
    • Odometry and the Base controller are often a single node but need not be
  3. Sensors: Including laser scanners (publishing sensor_msgs/LaserScan) or depth cameras publishing sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.
    • Help to avoid obstacles
    • Also used by Simultaneous localization and mapping and other localization nodes
  4. Cost Maps: Occupancy grids representing where obstacles are located in the environment, as a grid of cells
    • Global cost map - this is the overall environment, used for global planners such as A*
    • Local cost map - the map in the immediate area, primarily used for obstacle avoidance.
    • Most grid locations in a cost map have 3 states: free, occupied, or uncertain
    • Cost Maps can have multiple layers of information and are highly customizable
      • For example, maps can have an inflation layer that expands obstacles to create a safe boundary around them that the robot will not enter
  5. Path planners: find collision free paths
    • Global Planner - moves robot to ultimate goal, runs at low frequency against a mostly-static global map
    • Local Planner - modifies the global plan to avoid collisions against a dynamic local map.
  6. Recovery Behaviors - When a planner fails to find a path, ad-hoc behaviors can be executed to try to improve the sensor information or location of the robot in order to retry planning

Navigation Packages

Here is a brief overview of some important nav2 packages.

  • Nav2 Website has comprehensive documentation and tutorials.
  • slam_toolbox the most up-to-date 2D SLAM method for ROS.
  • AMCL A particle filter based approach to finding the robot location given a previously created map. Generally SLAM Toolbox in localization mode is preferred.
  • Map Server - Provides maps to the rest of the navigation stack and allows saving them.
  • Costmap 2D An occupancy grid implementation. Multiple layers contain information about various types of obstacles and are rated with a cost to travel through the cell ranging from 0 (free) to 254 (fully blocked).
    • "static" layer (e.g., static obstacles from a pre-existing map produced by SLAM),
    • "inflation" layer (e.g., increasing cost near obstacles to keep the robot even farther away and make navigation more conservative)
    • "obstacle" layer (e.g., for obstacles recently viewed by 2-Dimensional LaserScan and PointCloud2 data).
    • "voxel" layer (like the obstacle layer but capable of incorporating data from 3D sensors)
    • "range" layer (used for data from sonar or infrared sensors)
    • Custom layers are also possible because each layer is implemented as a plugin.
    • There are typically two costmaps setup: a "global costmap" setup for long-term planning and a "local costmap" for collision avoidance and short-term planning
  • nav2_planner ([[global_planner in ROS 1) - Contains basic global planning algorithms such as A*. Publishes a nav_msgs/Path message.
  • nav2_controller - the local planner (called local planner in ROS 1). Handles navigation around obstacles that pop up from sensor data
  • DWB (dwa_local_planner in ROS 1) Dynamic window approach local planner (the default local planner). Integrates kinematics of robot forward in time given the possible controls. Then it predicts a trajectory and rates it based on if there is a collision and other criteria such as distance from the global plan.
  • Robot Localization fuses various sources to deliver a smooth odometry message
  • move_base - This was the main ROS 1 navigation node.

How To Run Navigation

  • The First-Time Robot Setup Guide provides a quick guide on how to setup a robot for use with navigation2
  • Run ros2 launch nav2_bringup navigation_launch.py to start navigation.
    • This needs a map to exist to work
    • If using with Gazebo, make sure to pass the launchfile use_sim_time:=True or you will have many timestamp errors
  • Run ros2 launch slam_toolbox online_async_launch.py to start SLAM and begin generating a map and localizing within it
Other Packages (ROS 1)
  • carrot_planner A global planner that gets robots as close to obstacles as possible
  • sbpl Search based planning library: a global planner based on "motion primitives"
  • fake_localization Uses odometry information to provide the same localization messages as amcl Used for simulation and debugging.
  • voxel_grid 3 Dimensional pixel grid, useful for representing 3 dimensional cost maps.
  • google_cartographer_ros ROS support for google's SLAM implementations
    • This is quite complicated to tune and setup.
  • rtabmap_ros RGB-D SLAM with provision for detecting loop closure.
  • laser_scan_matcher Provides odometry based on laser scan. It estimates the transform between two laser scans. Many uses including: standalone odometry or input for robot_localization.
  • robot_navigation2 The "spiritual successor" to the ROS navigation package
  • move_base_flex Replacement for move_base with enhanced capabilities.

Author: Matthew Elwin.