MoveWhat? Activity
- MoveIt 2 is a massive package, with many features, but it is still under development and is under-documented.
- To make our robot move, without using C++, we will need to do some detective work
- This guide is designed as a tutorial to introduce you to MoveIt and prepare your group for Homework 3
- Setup the franka workspace on your computer.
First Steps
- To start the franka robot
ros2 launch franka_fer_moveit_config
- This command will start a Franka MoveIt setup, with the MoveIt GUI in
- Rather than connecting to the actual robot or a simulation, a mock controller is used that takes joint positions as inputs and returns fake joint states as sensor data.
- This command will start a Franka MoveIt setup, with the MoveIt GUI in
- There are two new Rviz widgets (which show up in the left-pane) that have been added by the setup when you run these launch files
, which keeps track of obstacles in the environmentMotionPlanning
, which is a gui interface to move the robot
- There will be an interactive marker displayed near the robot's end-effector that you can drag to set the target location for the motion plan.
Motion Plan
- You should see an orange overlay on the robot.
- The orange robot represents the planning group, the collection of joints (and there associated links) that are currently being controlled
- In the MotionPlanning GUI, under the Planning Tab, you can change the planning group to, for example, control the gripper instead of the arm
- While you can plan a path for the gripper the execution is simulated by simply snapping it to the commanded position immediately.
- On the real robot there are multiple control modes for the gripper, accessible through the
server. - Not all gripper control modes are position controlled and are therefore not accessible via MoveIt
- On the real robot there are multiple control modes for the gripper, accessible through the
- An interactive marker, which can be dragged to move the arm to various positions
- This marker controls the goal state, which is the target location of the robot's end-effector
- As you drag the robot around, some of the links may turn red, which indicates a (possibly self) collision or otherwise invalid state
- Try it!
- There are also pre-set positions that the arm can be moved to
- The gripper has no interactive marker and can only be moved to set positions via the GUI (though it can be moved to arbitrary positions in code).
- It is also possible to plan from a goal state that is not the current location of the robot by setting the Start State
- In the Planning Tab, press plan to generate a motion plan
- You should see an animation of the arm moving from start to goal
- Press Execute to run the plan, and watch the arm move (Try It!)
- If you press Plan & Execute you will see the robot start to move, with the plan happening slightly ahead of robot motion (Try It!)
- You can change the speed of the motion by selecting Velocity Scaling and Accel Scaling
- On the real robot be very careful with these, the robot can move fast!
- There are also many options that are available for motion planning that are accessible via the GUI
- The Joints tab allows you to plan to a specific joint configuration rather than an end-effector configuration
- Notice that if you move the marker at the end-effector, the joint states move as well indicating that inverse kinematics is happening here!
- In other words, planning to an end-effector position means computing inverse kinematics to find the corresponding joint positions
Planning Scene
- Under the Scene Objects tab, you can manipulate obstacles in the environment
- Click the plus sign next to the word box to add a box into the scene
- Move it to somewhere where the robot can potentially hit it
- Click "publish" to set the box as part of the planning scene
- It is also possible to attach objects to the end-effector (e.g., so that collision detection accounts for a grabbed object)
- Click the plus sign next to the word box to add a box into the scene
- With the scene set, drag the end-effector into the box
- What happens? (The links that collide should turn red)
- What happens if you click plan? (The plan will fail)
- Check "collision-aware IK" and move the end-effector into the box and hold it
- You should see the IK solver try to keep moving the joints to avoid the collision
- If the end-effector is colliding with the box, no IK solution can succeed at avoiding it
- But it is possible if another link is hitting the box (maybe another arm orienation does not have that same collision)
- You should see the IK solver try to keep moving the joints to avoid the collision
- Objects in the planning scene can be attached to the end-effector (e.g., to indicate that the robot has picked up the object).
- This enables them to be checked for collision during planning
How It Works
- The Moveit Documentation provides an overview, particularly the Move Group diagram.
- The moveit_msgs documentation explains how to use the ROS API for the
node. - Take a look at the
(be sure to refresh)- The key node for planning is the
- The key node for planning is the
- Run
ros2 node info /move_group
to see it's ROS API- You can of course get info on these interface with the
command lineros2 service/action/topic
andros2 interface
- The key actions here, however, are
, which is used to plan the path/execute_trajectory
, which does exactly what it sounds like
- The key service is
which computes the inverse kinematics
- You can of course get info on these interface with the
- If you use
ros2 interface
on the types (which you should do) you can learn how these actions work a bit more- For more information on actions see the notes on actions
The Plan
- Let's use our working interface to the move-group node (that is, Rviz) to help us better understand how the ROS API for the
node works- Make sure the
panel in Rviz is selected and activated
- Make sure the
- To be as thorough as possible we would want to capture all the data that
sends to themove_group
node- That is, all
service servers, action servers, and subscriptions thatrviz2
connects to - We can find these by comparing
ros2 node info /move_group
toros2 node info /rviz2
- That is, all
- Capturing actions and services is not as straightforward as subscribing because there can only be one
server with a given name.- Instead the approach is to write a new node that has an action server that prints out the requests
- The node could also forward traffic to the actual underlying action with an action client.
Basic Action Inspection
- Make a new package to inspect actions
- Create a node and an action Server for
:- The server, for now, can simply print out the request.
Write a launchfile that
- Launches your node
- Launches
- Remaps the
- Here is an example. Note that the MoveIt rviz gui requires that rviz have some parameters to be setup for moveit
from moveit_configs_utils import MoveItConfigsBuilder from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare from launch.substitutions import PathJoinSubstitution def generate_launch_description(): moveit_config = MoveItConfigsBuilder("fer", package_name="franka_fer_moveit_config").to_moveit_configs() return LaunchDescription([ Node(package="rviz2", executable="rviz2", output="log", arguments=["-d", PathJoinSubstitution([FindPackageShare("franka_fer_moveit_config"), "config", "moveit.rviz"])], parameters = [ moveit_config.planning_pipelines, moveit_config.robot_description_kinematics], # Remapping actions not implemented, must remap individual topics/services # Accessed on 10/30/2024 remappings = [("/move_action/_action/feedback", "/viz/move_action/_action/feedback"), ("/move_action/_action/status", "/viz/move_action/_action/status"), ("/move_action/_action/cancel_goal", "/viz/move_action/_action/cancel_goal"), ("/move_action/_action/get_result", "/viz/move_action/_action/get_result"), ("/move_action/_action/send_goal", "/viz/move_action/_action/send_goal") ] ), Node(package="inspector", executable="inspector" ) ])
- If you want more visibility, you can have your action forward the request to the actual
, and forward the responses back. This can get complicated for actions because there are several methods of feedback, but it is relatively straightforward for services. - You can now run
for the franka, killrviz
and launch your ownrviz
- Now planning requests from
can be printed.
- Now planning requests from
- Other actions to try are
- The same can be done with services:
- Some services to try are
- Some services to try are
- The planning scene is published on a topic, so subscribing and printing out that topic can help
- By doing these exercises you will learn how the
rviz plugin uses themove_group
- Try to discover what sequence of events happens to plan a motion and then execute it
- Try to discover the difference between Plan, Execute, and Plan & Execute
- Try to discover what features of the planning message are used and which are not
- The goal of this exploration is to be able to call an action manually that causes a path to be planned and executed
- It is not necessary to fully reverse engineer the action service. Though it can be helpful because
provides a working example of using the ROS API. - The API documentation for
(available on is very helpful for understanding the capabilities of the/move_action
- It is also possible to read the source code for
though it can be quite complicated.
- Here is a repository ( that intercepts and forwards actions from
to the move_group node.- It is a good exercise to attempt this task yourself before looking at the answer.