MSR Academic Honor Code and Collaboration Policy


The Northwestern University MS in Robotics program has implemented this honor code in order to promote a collaborative academic environment. We expect all students to accept responsibility for their own education and to act with integrity and honesty in their dealings with faculty, staff, employers, and peers.

Academic Integrity Rules

These rules present a common framework for understanding what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable academic conduct in the Northwestern University’s MS in Robotics program. These strict rules form the foundation for productive collaboration between students and faculty where nobody is uncertain about what behaviors are permitted and everybody feels comfortable that their contributions will be appropriately acknowledged.

The academic integrity rules for MSR students are outlined below:

  1. Students must adhere to the Northwestern’s academic integrity principles, as outlined in Academic Integrity: A Basic Guide.
  2. Students are expected to be honest with faculty, staff, employers, and peers.
  3. Students are responsible for understanding and complying with the academic integrity rules set by each instructor.
  4. Students are responsible for seeking explicit clarification if they are unsure about any rule. Until such clarification is obtained, students should implement each rule according to the interpretation that restricts their actions the most.
  5. Collaboration and consulting external sources is not allowed unless explicitly permitted by the instructor.
    • Restrictions on the mode of collaboration or use of sources must be followed.
    • Permission from one instructor or for one class or for one assignment does not carry over to other instructors, assignments, or classes.
  6. All external sources and collaborations must be cited according to the MSR citation rules, unless the instructor explicitly exempts a source from this requirement.
    • Failures to cite sources and collaborations according to the citation rules will be interpreted as intentional misconduct if such failure creates ambiguity as to which source was used or what parts of the assignment used the source.
    • If an instructor provides alternative citation rules, those rules may be substituted for the MSR rules.
    • If an instructor is unclear about citation rules, students should clarify the rules with the instructor.
  7. Students should not take credit for the work of others or misrepresent someone else’s work as their own.
  8. If you believe that these principles are being violated by other students, you are obligated to take one of the following actions:
    • If you believe that others are planning to violate the academic honor code you should work to discourage the behavior before it occurs.
    • If you become aware of a violation, the preferred action is to notify the course instructor and/or the MSR directors.
    • Ultimately it is up to each student to decide when behavior reaches the threshold where the instructor and/or MSR directors should be involved. Short of notifying the instructor and/or MSR directors, students may engage in actions to correct and prevent future academic integrity violations such as discussing the problematic behavior with the student or refusing to collaborate with the student.
    • Falsely reporting an instance of academic dishonesty is a violation of this policy.
  9. In an academic integrity investigation, students are expected to be transparent, honest, and factual.
    • Lying or being evasive during an investigation can constitute a secondary academic integrity violation.


These rules are enforced according to the procedures of the McCormick School of Engineering, outlined here.

If an academic integrity investigation is initiated against an MSR student, this document will be provided to the Associate Dean as evidence of rules that MSR students understood and agreed to follow. Ignorance or misunderstanding of the rules cannot be used as a defense in these cases—it is the responsibility of the student to clarify all rules with the instructor and interpret the rules restrictively.

If a student is found to be responsible for an academic integrity violation, the MSR program may recommend additional sanctions to the Associate Dean, including permanent exclusion from Northwestern University or the revocation of an awarded degree.

MSR is a one-year program completed as a cohort: therefore, some sanctions (such as failing a required class) may prevent a student found responsible for misconduct from meeting all program requirements, making graduation impossible. Should this situation occur, the MSR program and Northwestern University are not obligated to accommodate curriculum changes or provide make-up opportunities that would enable graduation: therefore such a violation can result in exclusion from the MSR program.

Faculty Rules

Just as students have responsibility for their own education, the MSR program directors are responsible for creating an environment where students freely exchange ideas and collaborate with each other and faculty. These rules are in addition to the general University and professional obligations of the faculty.

In the rules below “MSR faculty” refers to the MSR program directors. Other faculty are not bound by these rules.

  1. MSR faculty will trust that students are being honest in their interactions with them, unless there is evidence of dishonesty.
    • For example, documentary evidence of illness or other problems to gain an extension on an assignment will not be requested by MSR faculty, unless required by the University.
  2. MSR faculty will not use automated plagiarism detection tools to scan MSR student work for copying or other violations of this policy, unless evidence arises that individuals have been violating these principles.
  3. MSR faculty will strive to be clear about the academic integrity rules for each course and assignment and issue clarifications to rules when asked. Asking questions about the rules will never be used as evidence of academic dishonesty.
  4. MSR faculty will work to ensure that there is no retaliation against students who report academic dishonesty.
  5. If MSR faculty become aware that a student has engaged in misconduct under this policy, they will handle the violation through official University procedures.
  6. MSR faculty will acknowledge each student’s contribution to a project, assignment, or research as appropriate to the work they contributed and will have forthright discussions with any student who feels that their contribution may have been overlooked.

Collaboration Policy

This policy applies to all MSR activities (the hackathon, cohort meetings, and classes taught by the MSR directors, and other activities that the MSR directors may specify). It grants permission to collaborate during all of these activities, unless explicitly prohibited. The policy does not grant such permission in courses taught by other faculty, even if they are required parts of the MSR curriculum.

Although collaboration is generally permitted during MSR activities, there are specific citation requirements. This policy focuses on what items need to be cited when: the method for how to cite various sources is discussed in the Citation Rules. Following the rules about how to properly cite sources is important because deviations that causes confusion or ambiguity may be considered as evidence of violating this policy.

There are two levels of citation: general (which lists the source generally for a whole project) and inline (where the general source is specifically cited at the location where it was used). Depending on the type of collaboration, sometimes a general citation is sufficient and other times inline citation is required.

Although these rules are specific to the MSR program, making a general practice of following these rules in all situations where collaboration is permitted should keep you in compliance with academic integrity policies, in the absence of more specific instructions. However, it is ultimately your responsibility to seek clarification when any collaboration rules are unclear.

Collaboration Rules

  1. Students are encouraged to collaborate by:
    • Discussing problems with each other.
    • Writing on whiteboards, chalkboards, paper, a shared computer screen, etc.
    • Posting questions on provided forums.
    • Use collaboration to help understand problems and come to their own solutions and understanding.
  2. Students are discouraged from:
    • Using collaboration to obtain and implement a correct answer that they do not understand.
    • Copying code, equations, images, or text directly from another student without understanding. Such copying is permissible only if the code has a proper inline citation.
  3. Students are forbidden from:
    • Making superficial changes to code (e.g., trivial logic or variable names), text, or images for the purpose of obscuring its source.
    • Changes from a code snippet that are required to adapt it to one’s own code are permitted with an inline citation.
  4. Collaborations must be cited, according to the nature of the collaboration:
    • If general ideas are discussed, the people involved in the discussion should cite each other’s names as a general source.
    • If discussion leads to specific implementation of an algorithm or solution to a problem, the collaboration should be cited inline, where the information from the collaboration was used.


There is some judgment required as to whether a source counts as general or inline. Here are some examples to help clarify:

  1. Discussing which python function to use to append to a list: general citation.
  2. Writing pseudocode to help understand an algorithm:
    • General if you do not adopt that approach but it helped you solve the problem.
    • Inline if you implement a substantial portion of the pseudocode.
  3. Copying code from another student: Inline
    • Directly copying without understanding is highly discouraged, but not a violation as long as it is properly cited with an inline citation.
  4. Another student looks over your shoulder and provides instructions on how to debug a specific piece of code: general.
  5. Another student sees a minor typo in your code and helps you correct it: general.
  6. Another student sees a fundamental problem in your code and provides information on how to restructure it:
    • If you follow the advice: inline.
    • If you don’t follow the advice and continue on your own: general.
  7. Drawing a diagram on the board and deriving equations from the drawing:
    • If the work itself is part of the assignment solution or if the work is used directly in code: inline.
    • If the solution is used to help provide better understanding of a situation but is not directly implemented and the solution is not an answer to a specific problem posed by the assignment: general.
  8. Overall, every situation cannot be covered here, so your judgment is required.
    • General citations are always needed.
    • Inline citations are required if the result of the collaboration leads to specific code or other assignment response that either
      • Looks the same or similar between all students involved in the collaboration.
      • Is a direct or slightly modified version of something that the group came up with.
      • Directly influenced how you implemented a specific part of the assignment.

External Sources Policy

Students are encouraged to seek out external sources when participating in MSR activities taught by the MSR directors (other than quizzes, tests, or exams). This policy does not grant permission to consult external sources in courses taught by other faculty, even if those courses are required parts of the MSR curriculum.

  1. All sources that are consulted and end up being used by the student (either as useful background information or specifically for a part of the assignment) shall be cited.
  2. Any source is permissible as long as it is cited properly.
  3. Any content that you use that was not generated by you is an external source and should be cited.
  4. ChatGPT and other AI assistants count as external sources for the purposes of citation:
    • The citation requirements for these sources are outlined in the citation rules.
    • If an AI assistant is used to help you learn general rather than specific knowledge, it may not need to be cited, though when in doubt, cite it.
  5. The following are exemptions to the citation policy:
    • Class notes provided by the instructor need not be cited (though at times they can be useful for documentation purposes).
    • Official programming language or API documentation that you use to understand how to call a function or use a feature.
    • Documentation that is used for the purpose of “generally learning” about a topic rather than something that is applied directly to a specific assignment.
      • This distinction is highly dependent on student judgment. When in doubt, cite the source.
    • Other documents explicitly noted by the instructor.
  6. The following sources are highly discouraged but must be cited inline if used:
    • Solutions to assignments from previous students.
    • Full solutions to assignments from current students.
    • Solutions to problems from websites or other sources.
    • Overall, submitting code that was directly copied from any source, particularly without understanding it, is highly discouraged but permissible with proper citation.
  7. If a source is being cited inline, and a specific portion of the source is being used (e.g., a numbered equation, pseudocode on a particular page, etc.), that portion should be indicated as part of the inline citation.
    • The general principle here is that the citation should efficiently guide the reader to the location of the relevant information being cited.


There is some judgment required as to whether a source counts as general or inline. Here are some examples to help clarify:

  1. You are coding an algorithm that was described in the class notes: no citation.
  2. You code an algorithm that was described in the class notes, but you look at an external website to understand more about the algorithm:
    • You use the information to gain general knowledge about the algorithm but your code uses a different approach or does not follow the same structure: general citation needed.
    • You follow the same approach to coding as the external source: inline citation needed.
    • You hear that A* is a type of graph search algorithm. To help you understand it better, you read about other graph search algorithms. You then use the class notes on A* to implement A*: no citation needed.
  3. You read the python API documentation to understand how to use the list.append function: no citation needed.
  4. You read the official C++ documentation:
    • You read the general documentation on iterators: no citation needed.
    • You read about how to use iterators with std::vector and use the information in your code: no citation needed.
    • The C++ documentation provides sample code on how to possibly implement the std::format function. You use this sample implementation in your code because you are implementing something similar to std::format: inline citation needed.
  5. You read a tutorial on how to implement an RRT in python, following the steps closely but using C++ instead: inline citation needed.
  6. You ask ChatGPT to implement an A* algorithm.
    • You directly use the code as is: inline citation needed.
    • You make some tweaks on your own to get the code working: inline citation needed.

Author: Northwestern University MS in Robotics. Date: September 9, 2024.